Current Ham Radio Propagation Conditions

Please note:  I have had multiple inquiries about the accuracy of these charts.  They are not a 100% accurate representation of the band conditions.  They are, however, a basis for what you “can” expect with the band conditions.  You may see better or worse  results based on your location.  The charts are automated and update on their own.  They will give you a good idea of the current conditions, but again, they are a baseline, not gospel.

Below you will find charts showing the live conditions around the Earth for radio propagation as well as atmospheric conditions that can affect Ham Radio usage depending on frequency.  These are great tools for HF and knowing what the conditions are if you plan on trying to make contacts on a particular day/time.


Key for These Charts

The three main items you want to pay attention to are the SFI (Solar Flux Index), the K-Index and the A-Index.

SFI - Summarization of the
Sun's Radiation Output

  • 70 – Not Good
  • 80 – Good
  • 90 – Better
  • 100+ – Best

A-Index - Daily Average of
Magnetic Activity

  • A = 0 – 7 Quiet
  • A = 8 – 15 Unsettled
  • A = 16 – 29 Active
  • A = 30 – 49 Minor storm
  • A = 50 – 99 Major storm
  • A = 100 – 400 Severe storm

K-Index Updated every 3 Hours

  • K = 0 Inactive
  • K = 1 Very quiet
  • K = 2 Quiet
  • K = 3 Unsettled
  • K = 4 Active
  • K = 5 Minor storm
  • K = 6 Major storm
  • K = 7 Severe storm
  • K = 8 Very severe storm
  • K = 9 Extremely severe storm

**If you are planning on using the HF bands, the chart below will assist you in knowing the condition of those bands based on the conditions at the time from 10M to 80M.